Screenwriter / Director

Brian de Vore


BRIAN DE VORE (1985) is a screenwriter based in The Netherlands. He started writing and making movies at a young age before proceeding to study at The Netherlands Film and Television Academy and The University of Westminster, where he graduated in 2009.
His screenwriting credits include 2013’s MAX & BILLY’S DRILL MACHINE GIRL, which was nominated for an International Digital Emmy, the mini-series REMY & JULIYAT (2019), which aired in several countries across Europe and the youth series SPANGAS, for which he wrote scripts and treatments before becoming head writer for two seasons.
He has also written and directed several shorts including CLOSING TIME (2012), the web-series HELDEN (2015) as well as numerous commercials for TV and web.


Voorhelmstraat 25-104
2012 ZM Haarlem

+31 6 44534256

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